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Name Arm Weight Attributes Resist. Level Vocation Dropped By
Amazon Armor 13 99.00 distance fighting +3 - - Orc Warlord
Anhur's Armor 15 130.00 club fighting +3
sword fighting +3
axe fighting +3
physical 2% - knights Lion King Anhur
Blessed Armor 14 75.00 physical 7% - - Dracola, Undead Dragon
Blue Robe 11 22.00 - - - - Banshee, Frosty Horseman, Hellgorak, Lich, Minotaur Archmage, Souleater Magician, The Witch Telelia, Vashresamun, Warlock
Bone-Plated Armor 14 110.00 physical 5% - - Ancient Dragon, Annihilon, Executioner Arranz, Gaz'haragoth, Grim Reaper, Royal Halberdier, The Witch Telelia, Undead Demon, Undead Dragon
Brass Armor 8 80.00 - - - - Bandit, General Murius, Hunter, Minotaur Archer, Minotaur Archmage, Minotaur Conjurer, Minotaur Guard, Minotaur Mage, Minotaur Mercenary, Minotaur Warlord, Nomad, Orc Warlord, Quara Constrictor Scout, The Horned Fox, Wild Warrior
Bronzed Vest 13 40.00 - knights, elite knights, paladins and royal paladins Dark Hydra, Minotaur Warlord, Undead Dragon
Cape 1 32.00 - - - - Ghost, Lizard Snakecharmer, Witch
Chain Armor 6 100.00 - - - - Crystal Golem, Dwarf Soldier, Lizard Sentinel, Minotaur, Minotaur Conjurer, Minotaur Guard, Minotaur Mercenary, Minotaur Warlord, Orc Berserker, Orc Shaman, Orc Warrior, Pirate Marauder, Valkyrie
Cloak of Brilliance 9 21.00 - druids, sorcerers, elder druids, master sorcerers and nones Crystal Lizard, Desert Spider, Hellgorak, Wyrm
Coat 1 27.00 - - - - Frost Troll, Witch
Crown Armor 13 99.00 - - - - Ashmunrah, Exiled Tyrant, Fury, Hand of Cursed Fate, Hellgorak, Hero, Phantasm, Serpent Spawn
Dark Armor 10 120.00 - - - - Behemoth, Black Knight, Destroyer, Dracola, Gargoyle, Werewolf
Dark Lord's Cape 11 29.00 physical 3% - druids, sorcerers, elder druids and master sorcerers Demonic Priest Arnulf, Grim Reaper, The Witch Telelia
Demon Armor 16 80.00 - - - - None.
Doublet 2 25.00 - - - - None.
Dragon Scale Mail 15 114.00 - - - - Dark Hydra, Demodras, Dragon Lord, Frost Dragon, Mechanical Excretion Robot, Medusa
Dwarven Armor 10 130.00 physical 3% - - None.
Elite Scout's Chestplate 15 69.00 distance fighting +3 - - Gaz'haragoth
Elven Mail 9 90.00 - - - - None.
Enchanted Robe 8 26.50 - druids, sorcerers, elder druids and master sorcerers Hellgorak, Nightstalker, Red Priest
Goanna Scaled Armor 14 110.00 physical 5%
poison 8%
- knights Angry Goanna, Goanna, The Pharaoh
Golden Armor 14 80.00 - - - - Evil Monk, Hellgorak, Ice Hero, Juggernaut, Massacre, The Usurper Elric, Undead Dragon, Warlock
Grandmaster's Raiment 14 80.00 club fighting +2
sword fighting +2
axe fighting +2
shielding +2
physical 4% - nones, knights and elite knights None.
Hibiscus Dress 0 19.00 - - - - Archvampire, Bog Raider, Vampire Bride, Wyrm
Holy Scout's Chestplate 16 50.00 distance fighting +3 physical 3%
fire 2%
- paladins and royal paladins None.
Jacket 1 24.00 - - - - None.
Knight Armor 12 120.00 - - - - Black Knight, Brutus Bloodbeard, Crystal Spider, Deadeye Devious, Giant Spider, Hand of Cursed Fate, Hydra, Juggernaut, Lethal Lissy, Medusa, Quara Hydromancer Scout, Ron the Ripper, The Old Widow, The Usurper Elric, Tyrants Squire, Undead Dragon, Venomous Red Spider
Lavaforged Plate 11 22.50 fire 4% - - Diabolic Imp, Hellfire Fighter, Hellflayer, Hellhound, Infernalist, Magma Rager, The Imperor
Leather Armor 4 60.00 - - - - Amazon, Dark Monk, Demon, Dworc Fleshhunter, Dworc Venomsniper, Dworc Voodoomaster, Goblin, Monk
Leopard Armor 9 95.00 - - - - Assassin, Desert Spider
Light Armor 10 35.00 - - - - Bog Raider, Medusa
Magic Plate Armor 17 85.00 - - - - Demon, Demonic Priest Arnulf, Dracola, Executioner Arranz, Frosty Grandmaster Zilchus, Infernos, Nuclear Supervision Robot, Orshabaal
Mephisto Devil's Cape 12 14.00 physical 4%
fire 7%
- druids, sorcerers, elder druids and master sorcerers None.
Mythic Scaled Armor 16 120.00 shielding +2 physical 3% - knights and elite knights None.
Native Armor 7 80.00 - - - - None.
Noble Armor 11 120.00 - - - - None.
Pirate Shirt 3 20.00 - - - - Pirate Buccaneer
Plate Armor 10 120.00 - - - - Ancient Lion, Ancient Scarab, Behemoth, Black Knight, Bonebeast, Brutus Bloodbeard, Crystal Spider, Deadeye Devious, Destroyer, Dreadbeast, Executioner Arranz, Exiled Tyrant, Giant Spider, King Kong, Kongra, Lethal Lissy, Lizard Templar, Lost Soul, Nuclear Supervision Robot, Orc Leader, Orc Warlord, Ron the Ripper, The Old Widow, Tyrants Squire, Undead Demon, Valkyrie, Venomous Red Spider
Ranger's Cloak 7 48.00 - - - - None.
Runic Robe 12 29.50 energy 7%
poison -7%
- - Frosty Grandmaster Zilchus, Frosty Horseman
Scale Armor 9 105.00 - - - - Ancient Scorpion, Dwarf Guard, Ghoul, Grorlam, Lizard Sentinel, Lost Soul, Minotaur Archer, Minotaur Conjurer, Minotaur Mercenary, Minotaur Warlord, Necromancer, Necropharus, Orc Rider, Pirate Cutthroat, Quara Predator Scout, Stone Golem
Scout's Chestplate 12 65.00 distance fighting +2 - - Annihilon, Bog Raider
Simple Dress 0 24.00 - - - - None.
Studded Armor 5 71.00 - - - - Dwarf, Elf, Elf Scout, Orc
Venomous Chestpiece 13 84.50 poison 3%
fire -3%
- - Angry Goanna, Bog Raider, Goanna, Mechanical Excretion Robot, Medusa, Serpent Spawn
Victorious Sun Armor 17 110.00 - - - knights Theinen The Sun
Warlock's Robe 11 24.50 energy 5%
poison -5%
- - Diabolic Imp, Gaz'haragoth, Infernalist, Souleater Magician, Sun Acolyte, Undead Dragon