Amethyst Shard

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Revision as of 11:20, 7 March 2025 by Ruth (talk | contribs)
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You see a amethyst shard.
It weighs 0.10 oz.
Someone is surely able to melt this shard into a more valuable diamond.
Weight: 1.00 oz
Dropped By: Valkyrie, Minotaur Mage, Minotaur Conjurer, Dwarf Guard, Dwarf Geomancer, Stone Golem, Gozzler, Orc Warlord, Blue Djinn, Frost Giantess, Frist Giant, Beholder, Orc Shaman, Merlkin, Lizard Snakecharmer, Vampire, Witch
Reward from: ?
Buy from: None.
Sell to:

This item cannot be sold to any NPC.

Note: The Shard can be crafted from 10 Small Amethysts by NPC Einar.
Can be also mined from Amethyst Rock using Obsidian Pick
Mainly needed for Upgrading process.