Thieves Guild Quest

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Name: Thieves Guild Quest.
Location: Ankramesh.
Reward: 24,000 Experience, Winged Backpack, 2 Crystal Coins, 5 Small Emeralds, 30 Platinum Coin, 3 Small Diamonds, Life Ring.
Monsters: Rats, Cave Rats, Mutated Rats, Assassin, Bandit, Hunter, Smuggler, Stalker, Wild Warrior, Witch, Pirate Marauder, Pirate Cutthroat, Pirate Buccaneer, Pirate Corsair, Ancient Lion.




Player: Hi
King Hakam: Welcome to my court, Player.
Player: plague
King Hakam: Greetings, brave adventurer. I have a mission for you ...
King Hakam: Our city is plagued by a guild of thieves ...
King Hakam: I need you to uncover their leader ...
King Hakam: Start by seeking out the thieves in the hidden depths below Ankramesh ...
King Hakam: Speak with our jeweler Bakenranf, he might know more.


Player: Hi
Bakenranf: How can I help you, Player?
Player: thieves
Bakenranf: Ah, you must be the adventurer King Hakam sent ...
Bakenranf: I've been having a lot of trouble lately ...
Bakenranf: My valuable items have been disappearing at night, and I suspect the thieves' guild is behind it ...
Bakenranf: One night, I saw someone lurking around my house ...
Bakenranf: They vanished suddenly near the well just south of my home ...
Bakenranf: I believe the entrance to their hideout is somewhere around.

  • Go south and click on the well to go down:

  • The key to door is near Berenice in the box, follow the map to meet Rasim:


Player: Hi
Rasim: Need something quick, Player?
Player: leader
Rasim: Ah, you're looking for the leader of the thieves' guild? I might have some information for you, but it will cost you ...
Rasim: I need you to collect 5 merchant golden cups from around Ankramesh ...
Rasim: Bring them to me and I might just tell you what you need to know.
Player: bye
  • Now we need to collect 5 golden cups from 5 merchant NPC's.
  • The order in which the golden cups are performed does not matter.

1. Farid, the task is to deliver his tribute (1k) to the King Hakam:


Player: Hi
Farid: Ah, Player! Care to spice up your life?
Player: golden cup
Farid: Ah, you're interested in my golden cup? It's quite a valuable piece ...
Farid: However, I have a problem that I need help with ...
Farid: I owe the king a tribute, and I'm afraid of what might happen if I don't pay it soon ...
Farid: If you deliver this tribute to the king for me, I'll grant you access to my treasury where you can take the golden cup.
Farid: Can you do it?
Player: yes
Farid: Fine, here is the money.


Player: Hi
King Hakam: Welcome to my court, Player.
Player: tribute
King Hakam: Ah, you have the tribute from Farid? Let me see it.
Player: yes
King Hakam: This is the overdue tribute from Farid? It's about time ...
King Hakam: I must say, I'm not pleased with his tardiness ...
King Hakam: It's fortunate for him that someone else took care of this matter.


Player: Hi
Farid: Ah, Player! Care to spice up your life?
Player: tribute
Farid: Have you delivered the tribute to the king?
Player: yes
Farid: Thank you for delivering the tribute to the king ...
Farid: As promised, you can access my treasury ...
Farid: The golden cup is in the chest behind the door.
  • Now we can take the first golden cup from his house door.

2. Zara. The task is to win the bet by typing bet GOLD NUMBER (e.g. `bet 10 3`).

  If we win, Zara will give us back double the amount we bet, plus access to her treasury.  
  If we lose, we can keep trying. The random roll is from 1 to 6.


Player: Hi
Zara: Greetings, Player. Seeking the finest silks?
Player: golden cup
Zara: Ah, the golden cup? We can gamble for it! ...
Zara: Place your bet by saying the amount of gold you want to bet, followed by a number between 1 and 6 ...
Zara: For example, 'bet 10 3' to bet 10 gold on number 3. The minimum bet is 10 gold and maximum 10000 gold.
Player: bet 10 3
Zara: You have placed a bet of 10 gold on number 3, let's see if you win ...
Zara: Are you ready to roll?
Player: yes
Zara: Sorry, the number 6 was rolled. Better luck next time.
  • The win message (example outcome):

Zara: Congratulations! The number 1 was rolled. You win 20 gold! ...
Zara: You have also won access to my treasury. The golden cup is in the chest behind the door.

  • Now we can take the cup from her house door.

3. Bakenranf. The task is to deliver a Silver Brooch to him.


Player: Hi
Bakenranf: How can I help you, Player?
Player: golden cup
Bakenranf: Ah, you're interested in my Golden Cup? ...
Bakenranf: However, there's something I've always wanted: a Silver Brooch ...
Bakenranf: Bring me a Silver Brooch, and I'll grant you access to my treasury where you can take the Golden Cup.
Player: silver brooch
Bakenranf: Do you have the silver brooch I asked for?
Player: yes
Bakenranf: Excellent! You have brought me the silver brooch ...
Bakenranf: As promised, you can access my treasury ...
Bakenranf: The golden cup is in the chest behind the door.
  • Take the cup and go for next.

4. Ibrahim. The task is to solve his riddle.


Player: Hi
Ibrahim: Step into my forge, Player. Need some strong gear?
Player: golden cup
Ibrahim: Ah, you're looking for a golden cup?...
Ibrahim: I do have one, but it holds no real value to me ...
Ibrahim: I can give it to you, but first, you must solve a riddle for me, do you agree?
Player: yes
Ibrahim: Here it is: ...
Ibrahim: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears ...
Ibrahim: I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?
Player: echo
Ibrahim: Correct! You have solved my riddle ...
Ibrahim: You can take the golden cup ...
Ibrahim: It is behind the door in my treasury.
  • Don't forget to take the cup.

5. Layla. There is no task for this one.


Player: Hi
Layla: Welcome, Player. Looking for a special brew?
Player: golden cup
Layla: Oh, the golden cup? It has been taking up too much space in my treasury ...
Layla: I have no use for it and would be happy to give it to you for free ...
Layla: You can find it in the chest behind the door in my treasury ...
Layla: Feel free to take it.
Player: bye

  • Take the cup and back to Rasim. At this point we should have 5 golden cups.


Player: Hi
Rasim: Need something quick, Player?
Player: mission
Rasim: Have you gathered the 5 merchant cup I asked for?
Player: yes
Rasim: Lets check one by one, which one you have?
Player: bakenranf's golden cup
Rasim: Excellent! Bakenranf's golden cup. Do you have any more?
Player: layla's golden cup
Rasim: Remarkable! Layla's golden cup. Do you have any more?
Player: ibrahim's golden cup
Rasim: Fantastic! Ibrahim's golden cup. Do you have any more?
Player: zara's golden cup
Rasim: Superb! Zara's golden cup. Do you have any more?
Player: farid's golden cup
Rasim: Outstanding! Farid's golden cup. Do you have any more?
Player: leader
Rasim: It looks like you've delivered all 5 golden cups, great job! ...
Rasim: Actually, I have no idea who the leader is ...
Rasim: But I heard Sabria might know ...
Rasim: She's stationed one level below.

  • We have delivered all the cups, lets go to Sabria:


Player: Hi
Sabria: You found me, Player. What now?
Player: leader
Sabria: So, you want to know who the leader of the thieves' guild is? ...
Sabria: I might have that information, but first, you need to do something for me ...
Sabria: There's a group of rival bandits causing trouble north of Ankramesh ...
Sabria: I want you to eliminate them and bring me their treasure chest.

  • Our task is to bring the bandit treasure chest from the northern bandit camp of Ankramesh. Follow the map.

  • Once we get the chest back to Sabria:


Player: Hi
Sabria: You found me, Player. What now?
Player: treasure chest
Sabria: Have you dealt with the rival bandits and brought me their treasure chest?
Player: yes
Sabria: Excellent work! As for the leader of the thieves' guild, you'll need to speak with Rasha ...
Sabria: She's stationed even deeper in the underground hideout.

  • Go to Rasha following the map below:


Player: Hi
Rasha: Speak softly, Player. What do you need?
Player: leader
Rasha: You're looking for the leader of the thieves' guild? ...
Rasha: I can tell you, but first, you need to do something for me ...
Rasha: There's a golden vase that was stolen by pirates ...
Rasha: I want you to retrieve it for me ...
Rasha: You'll need to speak with the ferryman, Dharim, northeast of the city to reach the bandit camp ...
Rasha: Defeat the pirates and bring back the golden vase.

  • Our task is to get back the golden vase stolen by pirates, so back to city and find Dharim:


Player: Hi
Dharim: Greetings, traveler Player. How can I assist you today?
Player: passage
Dharim: You wish to travel to the pirate ship? It's a dangerous place ...
Dharim: I can take you there, but be prepared for a fight. The pirates won't welcome you warmly ...
Player: yes

  • Take the quest and then back to Rasha:


Player: Hi
Rasha: Speak softly, Player. What do you need?
Player: golden vase
Rasha: Have you recovered the golden vase from the pirates?
Player: yes
Rasha: Great job on retrieving the golden vase ...
Rasha: However, I don't actually know who the leader is ...
Rasha: But I know someone who does ...
Rasha: Speak with Kalid, he will have the information you need.


Player: Hi
Kalid: Ready for a game of wits, Player?
Player: leader
Kalid: I'm surprised you've made it this far ...
Kalid: But I'm not sure if I can trust you with the secret of who leads the thieves' guild ...
Kalid: To prove your strength and loyalty, I need you to eliminate 300 Outlaws ...
Kalid: Return to me once you've completed this task.


Player: Hi
Kalid: Ready for a game of wits, Player?
Player: mission
Kalid: Have you completed the task and killed 300 Outlaws?
Player: yes
Kalid: You have proven your strength and loyalty ...
Kalid: The leader of the thieves' guild is Bashir ...
Kalid: He's a cunning and dangerous man, so be careful.

  • Since we know who the leader is, let's go back to King Hakam:


Player: Hi
King Hakam: Welcome to my court, Player.
Player: leader
King Hakam: You've found out who the leader of the thieves' guild is? ...
King Hakam: This is excellent news! ...
King Hakam: Who is it?
Player: bashir
King Hakam: Bashir Quickknife! I've suspected him for some time ...
King Hakam: This is our chance to bring an end to the guild's activities ...
King Hakam: I need you to either defeat him or convince him to disband the guild ...
King Hakam: I will reward you handsomely.

  • Now we need to disband their guild. Let's go to Bashir.
  • This map will start from the well.

Conversation (attempt #1):

Player: Hi
Bashir: Ready for a quick job, Player?
Player: leader
Bashir: You think you know who the leader of the thieves' guild is? That's amusing. Run along now.

Attention! At this point, several Outlaws and Ancient Lions will spawn!

  • Once we defeat all the monsters, speak to Bashir again:

Conversation (attempt #2):

Player: Hi
Bashir: Ready for a quick job, Player?
Player: leader
Bashir: Impressive. You've dealt with my guards. Alright, let's talk. What do you want?
Player: disband
Bashir: You want the thieves' guild to be disbanded? ...
Bashir: Fine then ...
Bashir: The guild is no more ...
Bashir: You have my word.


Player: Hi
King Hakam: Welcome to my court, Player.
Player: guild
King Hakam: The thieves' guild is a shadowy organization causing chaos in Ankramesh.
Player: bashir
King Hakam: Have you dealt with Bashir Quickknife and the leader of thieves' guild?
Player: yes
King Hakam: You've succeeded! ...
King Hakam: The guild is no more ...
King Hakam: As promised, here is your reward ...
King Hakam: You've done a great favor for Ankramesh.
  • Done, you should get the reward now.