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Revision as of 18:12, 6 February 2025 by Ruth (talk | contribs)
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Hit Points: 70
Experience: 44
Ratio: 0.63
Speed: 124
Summonable: ✔️
Hostile: ✔️
Illusionable: ✔️
Convince: ✔️
Pushable: ✔️
Pushes Items:
Pushes Creatures:
Target Distance: 1
Run on Health: It never runs away
Attacks: Melee (Min: 0 Max: 40)
Defences: Armor: 5, Defense: 11
Est. Max Dmg: 40
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Poison Paralyze
Sounds: Nothing
Task: Client Tasks
Strategy: Due to their low stats and lack of special abilities, maggots do not pose a serious threat to most players. However, in groups, they can be dangerous for novice characters. It is recommended to eliminate them one at a time to avoid the environment. Standard melee or ranged attacks are sufficient to quickly defeat these opponents.
Skinning: -
Note: The Larva of the Darman Scarab is a small but poisonous insect that mostly avoids the sun and lives underground. Lacking the hard shell possessed by older scarabs, and being slow, they are not a threat to a well-armed warrior. When present in greater numbers, however, they can kill even a skilled opponent. Since they prefer to stay with their siblings, encountering a larger group of larvae is not uncommon.
Common: 0-10 Gold Coin
Uncommon: Meat
Semi-Rare: Nothing
Rare: Nothing
Very Rare: Nothing