The Ice Siege

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Revision as of 18:59, 8 January 2025 by Ruth (talk | contribs)
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An Old Snow Dragon Health Experience Reward Requirements Items Location
25,000 148,610

- 75 level
- Pick
- Destroy Field Rune
- Coldwind Access Quest
- Realesta Coin (per player)

1-300 Platinum Coin 1-20 Small Sapphire 1-20 Small Diamond 1-10 Prismatic Bolt 1-10 Snowball Blue Spell Wand Mage's War Wand Ice Rapier Icicle Sword Icy Truncheon Vampire Shield Dragon Scale Mail Shockbolt Crossbow Runic Robe Cloak of Brilliance Crusader Helmet Knight's Broadaxe Icy Rainbow Shield Obsidian Ruby Fire Stone Crystal Eye Crystalline Ruby Strange Matter Mastermind Shield Coldwind

  • We have added next "Ice Siege" in Coldwind south from the city.
  • To enter there you need one Realesta Coin and place one on coal basin.
  • This one requires 75 level and a team with min 3 - max 6 players. Remember to take Pick with you.
  • You have 3 minutes to take reward in the reward room, otherwise you will be kicked and lose reward.
  • You need Golden Account in order to enter the Siege.

1). Start from Coldwind city and follow the maps below, pull the lever with the team:

2). One player must stand like on screen and pull the lever to open wall.

3). Pull this lever to destroy energy wall.

4). Use the lamp to destroy bars.

5). Now one character must stay on the tile, next one must go an pull the lever to open bars to next room with lever.

6). Pull this lever and destroy first magic wall.

7). Now go south pull the lever to destroy next wall and behind this wall is last lever to destroy second magic wall, check the images below:
(Remember that for this task from point 5. to point 8. you have around 5 minutes if you fail you have to start over again.

8). Now go down use Pick and pull all the levers like on the map:

9). Go to the right to teleport to the boss kill him and take the reward.
(For this task you have also around 5 minutes)