Polar Bear

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Polar Bear.png

Polar Bear
Hit Points: 85
Experience: 28
Ratio: 0.33
Speed: 156
Summonable: ✔️
Hostile: ✔️
Illusionable: ✔️
Convince: ✔️
Pushes Items:
Pushes Creatures:
Target Distance: 1
Run on Health: 5
Attacks: Melee (Min: 0 Max: 27)
Defences: Armor: 7, Defense: 10
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Nothing
Sounds: "Grrrrrr"
Task: Client Tasks
Strategy: A good way is to attack them with ranged weapons.
Skinning: -
Note: Polar Bears live on ice islands in the northeastern part of Tibia. They feed on fish and small animals. They are stronger and more aggressive than their brown cousins. Avoid their powerful strokes and attack with ranged weapons.
Common: 0-2 Ham 0-4 Meat
Uncommon: Nothing
Semi-Rare: Nothing
Rare: Nothing
Very Rare: Nothing