PVP-enforced exp formula and restrictions

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Revision as of 19:26, 17 January 2025 by Ruth (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="font-size:140%;"><b>Formula:</b></span></br> rate_exp_pvp = 2 (This one depends from world config and can be checked [//realesta74.net/library/server-info here]). a = attackers level * 0.9 b = victims level c = victims experience result = (1 - (a / b)) * 0.05 * c result * rate_exp_pvp 2. Restrictions: -Attacker's level comparing to victim's level cannot be higher than 30.")
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rate_exp_pvp = 2 (This one depends from world config and can be checked here). a = attackers level * 0.9 b = victims level c = victims experience

result = (1 - (a / b)) * 0.05 * c

result * rate_exp_pvp

2. Restrictions:

-Attacker's level comparing to victim's level cannot be higher than 30.