Magic Shield

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Spell Information

Name: Magic Shield
Description: Very useful spell for mages and druids. For 200 seconds your mana is treated as your life. For example, if a monster or player hits you for 50 hp, it will take 50 mana instead of life points (of course only if you have that much mana, if you have less you lose 50 mana and life, or life itself (with 0 mana), even if you have the Magic Shield spell on). The mana you lose instead of life during the duration of the Magic Shield does not count towards your magic level, only the 50 MP you spend to cast this spell will count. This spell allows mages and druids to kill very strong monsters at low levels. Mages and druids should buy this spell as soon as possible.
Formula: utamo vita
Vocation: Sorcerer, Master Sorcerer, Druid, Elder Druid, Paladin, Royal Paladin
Mana: 50
Magic Level: 4
Level: -
Amount: -
Price: 450 gp
Item created: -
Buy from:
Town Paladins Druids Sorcerers
Ab'Dendriel Eroth Eroth --
Ankrahmun Dario Rahkem Tothdral
Carlin Legola Padreia Lea
Darashia Razan Shalmar Shalmar
Edron -- -- --
Kazordoon -- -- Etzel
Port Hope Helor Ustan Myra
Thais Elane Marvik Muriel
Venore Asrak Smiley Chatterbone
Coldwind Lucy Marduk Elion
Ankramesh Maani Naeem Shakir