Useful commands for a player
!sellhouse NAME - (For sellling house to a NICK) !buyhouse - (For buying house, remember to stand in front of the door) !leavehouse - (For leaving house, every item goes to your depot) !houseinfo - (Check house info address, rent, size and price) aleta som - (Invite sub owner. Type * in a new line to invite everyone, !NAME excludes player) aleta sio - (Invite guest player. Type * in a new line to invite everyone, !NAME excludes player) aleta grav - (Edit house door. Type * in a new line to invite everyone, !NAME excludes player) alana sio "NAME - (Kick NAME from house, this works only inside the house)
!guild balance (Shows guild balance) !guild deposit X (Deposit X amount of gold to your guild balance) !guild withdraw X (Withdraw X amount of gold from your guild balance) !go (changes the outfit of the entire guild to the same outfit as the team leader's during the guild war)
/war invite,guild name,fraglimit,money (Send an invitation to start a war. Money is optional and it\'s taken from guild balance. Example: /war invite,Black Ninjas,150,5000) /war accept,guild name (Accept the invitation to start a war.) /war reject,guild name (Reject the invitation to start a war.) /war cancel,guild name (This will cancel the invitation to the guild Black Ninjas)
Cast streams:
!cast on (Enable cast stream) !cast off (Disable cast stream) More cast commands HERE
ctrl+arrow up/down - speed up or slow down the recording ctrl+arrow right/left - rewind or forward the recording by 15 seconds /time X - jump to a given time X of the recording /goto X - jump to a given time X of the recording
!frags (Check your current frags count) !share (Enable shared experience and vocation hunt more info HERE) !emote on/off (Casted spells will be not dispalyed on Default channel) !light (Additional light, only with Golden Account) !sd blue (Extra sudden death rune effect -> blue, red, green, purple, lightblue, black) !outfit angel (Unique outfits only for tutors) !raid (Check current upcomming raid and next one)