Key 4023

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Key 4023

Weight: 1.00 oz
Type: Silver Key
Opens: File:Keyy 4023.png File:Teleporty Desert.png
Location: Desert Dungeon

Opens the door to the Teleport Room.
You will receive this key when you take Adrenius' quiz for 500 gold pieces.

NPC Adrenius can be found in the Jakundaf Desert

NPC Adrenius Conversation

Player: Netlios
Adrenius: This fool! His book is nothing but a hoax! At least I believe that. Or did you find an answer for my questions?
Player: Yes
Adrenius: By the way, I would like a donation for my temple. Are 500 gold ok?
Player: Yes
Adrenius: Thank you very much. Now, name me the first person in alphabetical order, his age, his fate, and how long he was on his journeys!
Player: Anaso, 41, attacked by mother-bear, 117 days
Adrenius: Hmmm, maybe. What can you tell me about the second 'adventurer'?
Player: Elaeus, 39, attacked by dragon, 100 days
Adrenius: Yes, that might be true. What did you find out about the third man?
Player: Gadinius, 42, stepped in fire, 83 days
Adrenius: Correct again! Hmmmm... I doubt you know anything about the fourth person!
Player: Heso, 40, attacked by troll, 66 days
Adrenius: Yes! Really, how did you figure that out? I bet, you don't know anything about the last adventurer!
Player: Hestus, 38, drank poison, 134 days
Adrenius: That's right! Why didn't I see it? It's obvious, Netlios was right, and his stories are great! Wait, I'll give you something!