Femor Hills

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Main Information

Femor Hills are hills located north of Kazordoon. The entrances can be found on the eastern and western sides.

The area is mainly inhabited by weaker creatures. One of the peaks is home to a Hunter, whose victims are often unsuspecting travelers, but he is also frequently hunted by higher-level players. You can also encounter several Cyclops in the region.

The abandoned tower in the center of the hills hides many secrets and dangers (such as a Demon Skeleton in a cave accessed through a concealed hole). The entrance to this cave is blocked by magically regrowing grass. Thanita, who watches for enemies from a guard tower in the northwest part of the hills, may give you a mission. Additionally, Uzon in the southwest transports players using a flying carpet.


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Monster Name Health (HP) Experience (EXP) EXP/HP
Pig 25 0 0.00
Sheep 20 0 0.00
Black Sheep 20 0 0.00
Bat 30 10 0.33
Wolf 25 18 0.72
Bear 80 23 0.29
Goblin 50 25 0.50
Skeleton 50 35 0.70
Rotworm 65 40 0.62
Hunter 150 150 1.00
Cyclops 260 150 0.58
Demon Skeleton 400 240 0.60