Dusalk's Troll Clan Cave

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Main Information

Many young players come to Dusalk Troll Clan Cave to gain experience. This is not very surprising, as the concentration of Trolls here is one of the largest in Tibia. Additionally, players come here to train, as there are 2 Slimes present.

The Longsword Quest can be completed here. The cave is located east of Dwarven Bridge.


How to Enter

Use a shovel at the marked spot.

Respawn Map

Below is a short respawn map of the monsters:

-1 Floor

-2 Floor

On the -2 floor, there are Minotaur Archer and Minotaur Mage, which can be troublesome for beginners! To avoid encountering them, it is best not to go to the bottom room.


Below is a list of monsters that can be encountered in this hunting ground.

Monster Name Health Experience Exp/HP
Rat 20 5 0.25
Snake 15 10 0.67
Bat 30 10 0.33
Bug 29 18 0.62
Troll 50 20 0.40
Rotworm 65 40 0.62
Slime 150 160 1.07
Minotaur Archer 100 65 0.65
Minotaur Mage 155 150 0.97