Angry Goanna

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Angry Goanna.gif

Angry Goanna
Hit Points: 9,000
Experience: 6,000
Ratio: 0.67
Speed: 380
Hostile: ✔️
Pushes Items: ✔️
Pushes Creatures: ✔️
Target Distance: 1
Run on Health: It never runs away
Attacks: Melee (Min: 180 Max: 420) Poison (Min: 150 Max: 490) Poison Berserk (Min: 380 Max: 450) Poison Condition (Min: 80 Max: 180)
Defences: Armor: 40, Defense: 40 Haste (3 sec)
Est. Max Dmg: 1540
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Poison Fire Lifedrain Paralyze Invisible
Sounds: "Arrrrrr!"
Task: Client Tasks Redward Tasks
Strategy: ??
Skinning: ??
Note: ??
Location: ??
Common: 0-4 Platinum Coin Dragon Ham
Uncommon: Nothing
Semi-Rare: Serpent Sword Green Gem Silver Brooch 0-12 Small Ruby Earth Skin Amulet Red Gem Ring of Healing
Rare: 0-2 Gold Ingot Goanna Scaled Armor Jurassic Jade Bow Venomous Chestpiece Medusa Shield Silver Mace Terran Rainbow Shield
Very Rare: Nothing