Minotaur Archmage

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Revision as of 12:54, 20 December 2024 by Ruth (talk | contribs) (Created page with "class=custom-monster-image|alt=Minotaur Archmage.gif {| class="wikitable" width="100%" ! colspan="3" style="text-align:center; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; color: #ff9448; text-shadow: #000 1px 0px 1px;" | Minotaur Archmage |- ! style="width:15%;" | Hit Points: | 5,000 |- ! Experience: | 3,100 |- ! Ratio: | 0.62 |- ! Speed: | 300 |- ! Summonable: | ❌ |- ! Hostile: | ✔️ |- ! Illusionable: | ✔️ |- ! Convince: | ❌ |- ! Pus...")
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Minotaur Archmage.gif

Minotaur Archmage
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience: 3,100
Ratio: 0.62
Speed: 300
Hostile: ✔️
Illusionable: ✔️
Pushes Items: ✔️
Pushes Creatures:
Target Distance: 4
Run on Health: It never runs away
Attacks: Melee (Min: 0 Max: 131) Energy (Min: 75 Max: 205) Fire Missile (Min: 175 Max: 305) Energyfield Missile (Min: 25 Max: 25)
Defences: Armor: 38, Defense: 50
Est. Max Dmg: 666
Summons: Max: 5 Minotaur Guard, Minotaur
Immune To: Energy Invisible
Sounds: "Feel the wrath of my magic!"
"Bow before my power!"
"You cannot escape your fate!"
"The labyrinth will be your tomb!"
"Witness true arcane mastery!"
"Your end is inevitable!"
Task: ??
Strategy: ??
Skinnable: ??
Note: ??
Location: ??
Common: Dead Snake 0-230 Gold Coin Torch
Uncommon: Knife 0-8 Carrot Brass Armor Leather Helmet Leather Legs Chain Legs Combat Knife
Semi-Rare: Yellow Spell Wand Vial Blue Robe Lightning Boots Plate Legs
Rare: Nothing
Very Rare: Nothing