Dwarf Geomancer

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Dwarf Geomancer.gif

Dwarf Geomancer
Hit Points: 380
Experience: 245
Ratio: 0.64
Speed: 200
Hostile: ✔️
Illusionable: ✔️
Pushes Items: ✔️
Pushes Creatures: ✔️
Target Distance: 4
Run on Health: 150
Attacks: Melee (Min: 0 Max: 90) Physical (Min: 55 Max: 105) Manadrain (Min: 50 Max: 80)
Defences: Armor: 15, Defense: 35 Healing (Min: 75 Max: 125)
Est. Max Dmg: 275
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Poison Fire Invisible
Sounds: "Hail Durin!"
"Earth is the strongest element."
"Dust to dust."
Task: Client Tasks Redward Tasks
Strategy: Kill first, and as quickly as possible! It heals very quickly, and its attacks are not among the weak ones. Often they come with a flank (e.g. Dwarf Guards), but it is the Geomancer who should have priority in dying.
Skinning: -
Note: It is widely known that dwarves reject any kind of magic. The most talented among them have tamed the raw powers of earth and fire. Like others of their race, geomancers are strong, but instead of fighting with axes they summon the powers of the earth and by throwing balls of molten rock destroy their enemies. The incredible power of self-healing makes them even tougher opponents.
Common: Blank Rune 0-2 White Mushroom 0-30 Gold Coin Leather Boots
Uncommon: 0-2 Pear Magic Lightwand Soldier Helmet Studded Legs
Semi-Rare: Clerical Mace Iron Ore
Rare: Spellbook Dwarven Ring Small Sapphire
Very Rare: Nothing