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Revision as of 17:28, 6 February 2025 by Ruth (talk | contribs)
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Hit Points: 25
Experience: 0
Ratio: 0.00
Speed: 114
Summonable: ✔️
Illusionable: ✔️
Convince: ✔️
Pushable: ✔️
Pushes Items:
Pushes Creatures:
Target Distance: 1
Run on Health: 25
Attacks: Melee (Min: 0 Max: 0)
Defences: Armor: 2, Defense: 2
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Nothing
Sounds: Nothing
Task: -
Strategy: Due to their lack of combat capabilities, pigs do not pose a threat to players and do not require a battle strategy. They can be easily pushed back or eliminated with a single attack, but offer no significant advantages beyond the potential acquisition of meat.
Skinning: -
Note: Pigs are domestic creatures raised by farmers. They are descended from wild boars and were created by humans for their nutritious meat. They never attack and rest almost all the time. However, be careful when killing them because farmers can get upset.


Common: 0-4 Meat
Uncommon: Nothing
Semi-Rare: Nothing
Rare: Nothing