Vampire Bride

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Vampire Bride.gif

Vampire Bride
Hit Points: 1,300
Experience: 700
Ratio: 0.54
Speed: 300
Hostile: ✔️
Pushes Items: ✔️
Pushes Creatures: ✔️
Target Distance: 1
Run on Health: It never runs away
Attacks: Melee (Min: 0 Max: 140) Lifedrain (Min: 0 Max: 150) Physical (Min: 50 Max: 150) Paralyze (5 sec) Energy (Min: 0 Max: 170)
Defences: Armor: 17, Defense: 23
Est. Max Dmg: 610
Summons: Nothing
Immune To: Fire(-10%) Invisible
Sounds: "Kneel before your Mistress!"
"Dead is the new alive."
"Come, let me kiss you, darling. Oh wait, I meant kill."
"Enjoy the pain - I know you love it."
Task: Client Tasks Redward Tasks
Strategy: Due to its high health points and melee attacks, it's advisable to maintain a safe distance when engaging the Vampire Bride. Utilizing ranged attacks or spells can help minimize the risk of taking damage. Be cautious of its lifedrain and paralyze attacks, which can inflict significant damage and hinder movement. Standard offensive tactics are effective, as the Vampire Bride does not possess specific resistances or immunities beyond those mentioned. Always monitor your health closely during combat, especially when facing multiple Vampire Brides simultaneously.
Skinning: -
Note: The Vampire Bride is an aggressive creature with 1,300 health points and a movement speed of 300. It attacks in melee, dealing physical damage ranging from 0 to 140, and can inflict lifedrain damage between 0 and 150, physical damage between 50 and 150, paralyze for 5 seconds, and energy damage between 0 and 170. The Vampire Bride has an armor rating of 17 and a defense value of 23. It is immune to fire (with a -10% modifier) and invisibility.
Common: 0-70 Gold Coin
Uncommon: Nothing
Semi-Rare: Purple Tapestry Conjurer Wand 0-2 Small Diamond 0-2 Small Amethyst
Rare: Hibiscus Dress Blood Goblet Boots of Haste Blood Orb Emerald Bangle Vampire Shield Vampire Dust
Very Rare: Nothing