The Grandmaster's Quest

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Name: The Grandmaster's Quest.
Location: Rookgaard.
Reward: Undead Army (exana mort) spell learning, Grandmaster's Raiment, Ice Rapier, 3 Crystal Coins, Moon Backpack.
Monsters: Crystal Golems, Ghosts, Ice Witches, Ice Golems, Crystal Spider, Morgrul.



1) To start the quest, we need to get to Iceland and go through the gate at lvl 90. After entering the teleport we have a blockade in the form of a blue stone, smash it using Sword of Fury.

2) Then go to the very top to switch the lever that will unlock the barriers to the teleport.

3) After entering the teleport, we run to the left side to the next teleport, there we also go to the very top and using Sword of Fury smash the rock and jump into the third teleport.

4) We follow the marked route to reach lever.

5) The lever will unlock our access to the next teleport.

6) Teleports are hidden behind magic walls, so keep that in mind.

7) After activating the lever, we return to our crossroads and this time run to the right, to the newly unlocked teleport. Then we go in 2 directions, player #1 goes to arrange the correct alignment of the levers, and player #2 waits by the single one to activate it when the levers are already arranged. (This can be done solo of course).

8) We managed to gain access to the last teleport, head to it, prepare well, as Morgrul, a boss similar to Warlock, is waiting inside.

9) After defeating Morgrul, we will be instantly teleported to the place with the prize! Bravo!